Welcome to the new/updated site! The Archives and search function may look a bit different, but it is still the same good time. Since 2002, your old-school website for all things stencils. Please consider donating what you can to support the much-needed upgrade. Photo submissions always welcome. Enjoy and stay curious.

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Defacer With Mystery Agenda Is Attacking Street Art

Nicole Bengiveno/The New York Times

The evidence is the bright green and purple splashes of paint that began appearing on walls in Brooklyn and Manhattan more than a month ago. The carefully aimed blobs obscured or disfigured dozens of pieces of street art created by people who may not be household names, but who have achieved the esteem of peers and some recognition from the mainstream art world. The targets of the paint attacks have included posters, paper cutouts pasted on walls, and images stenciled on the sides of buildings.

KiM in 3 More Shows!

Here's my upcoming show list and links:

* Lunar Boy Gallery *

Opening reception
Febuary 8th 6-9 pm

Showing " Hearts of Pain,Despair and Love"

and " Love Letters "

featuring the letters G,U,N,Z

for the group show in Febuary

1133 Commercial St


* Twilight Gallery *
@ Hotwire West Coffee House

Opening reception
March 1st 5- 8pm

4410 California Sw

Stencil Archive on Tour in March

I will be on the lookout for street stencils, utilitarian markings, and all in between. Drop me an em to russellh[at sign]stencilarchive[dot]org if you'd like to meet up. Or just tell me where to look for walls of pieces or gallery shows with cut-outs.

Would also love to archive artist stencils and cut-outs to either add to your own archive or give you a new one. Will travel to your studio if distance and time allows.

Justseeds Art Show: Feb. 8 in NYC

Along with the exhibition of the above artists will be the NYC release of the Street Art Workers’ Land and Globalization poster project, a collection of 25 posters representing artists from 10 different countries and over 20 different cities.

All proceeds from the show will go toward getting the Justseeds Artists Cooperative off the ground. Posters, books, and zines start at $2, with most Artwork priced between $10 – 30.

About Justseeds