fnnch Announces Honey Bear Hunt

The Honey Bear Hunt map is now live at fnnch.com/honeybearhunt

I am also releasing a limited number of new Hunt Kits on my website — both a Pride Bear Hunt and Ally Bear Hunt.

How to Play

The goal of the hunt is to provide a safe way to get out of your house and enjoy art during COVID times. There’s no "winning" or "losing" — this is just for fun. If you feel so inclined, take photos of bears at tag them #HoneyBearHunt so I and others can see!

I cannot guarantee that you will find a bear at every pin — some folks put them in a back window, and I am sure some people will be spoilsports and put them up inside. But over 2000 people opted to have their location on the map, so hopefully if you cannot find one at a particular location, there will be another not too far away!