Miss.Tic Memorial Monday

The Stencil Archive just uploaded a new batch of Miss.Tic works today. We also just dug into our paper archives to pull some interview excerpts from some now classic and quite obscure publications. Finally, we have cleaned up the Miss.Tic archive for an improved viewing experience. Once again, our deepest sympathies go out to this amazing artist's friends, family, and fans.


Miss.Tic stencil-text translations, from Overspray: Street Art Magazine (2005)

"Poetry is an extreme sport." ::: "Art - people = money, but for what price?" ::: "To create is to resist." ::: "Why meow when we can roar?"

Here are several excerpts, poorly translated into the English, from Pochoir a la Une (1986).

"Miss.Tic uses stencils to make her texts known in the street. After distinguishing herself with a self-portrait and a stencil... where drawing mingles with words, today she prefers that we only remember her poetry, which allows one to suggest images ad infinitum." 

"It's the stencil that gave me the approach to make myself known as an author, as a writer." - Miss.Tic

"Even if the stencils that we see in the street do not always correspond to this emotional urgency that we find with Blek for example, even if there is a world between what I feel and what puffs the mouth of Gainsbourg, it's really good that there were people to hang on to this free act that is stenciling." - Miss.Tic

Here are some excerpts from Overspray: Street Art Magazine, issue 03, the "GRRRL STENCIL NATION" special (2005)

"Miss.Tic is one of France's most prolific street artists.... Her stencils are typically one layered, simple cut, often provocative, images of women usually in black, red and white. They are accompanied by short messages and her signature...."

"People can make some stories from [my stencils], they can say that my work is me, imagine it's my diary but the commentary and interpretations are their own. They don't know more about me as a person, I keep some distance. On the other hand, my paintings are always parts of myself. Even if I was painting an apple it would still be me." - Miss.Tic

"As artists, our role in this world is to pose questions. I don't have the answers but at least I'm questioning. It's about getting people out of their assigned roles, how we live our lives, what we do with it, and why." - Miss.Tic

Someone just beginning to make art "should work hard and [not] listen to what others say. If you listen to others, you'll never do anything (laughs)." - Miss.Tic

Image sources and thanks: @2Frais1976, @laetirature, @ornikkar, @KtrineLeHenan, @gudiule, @StreetArtUtopia