Seitu Ken Jones Gives a How To on Making a George Floyd Stencil has seen other shared stencils images of George Floyd, and Breonna Taylor, on the stencil subreddit. We were glad to come across Twin Cities artist Seitu Jones' #Blues4George project, since Jones includes templates and instructions for a simple or multi-color stencil portrait. Go to Jones' site for more details, and to download a pdf how-to via Google Drive.

How To Create Your Own #Blues4george:
Create your own stencils of any size with the 4 patterns provided. Pick up shades of blue paint and memorialize George Floyd in the streets and on the boarded up storefronts across the United States and beyond. Depending on size and paint supplies accessible to you, there are many ways to create a #blues4george portrait.

Materials You’ll Need:

Something you can cut out!

Spray Paint/Acrylic/Chalk/Markers/

Something with the color blue!

One shade of blue paint

1. Download the stencil from

2. Print the stencil out or trace it on some spare cardboard

3. Cut along the lines and remove the hatched areas using a utility blade, Xacto knife, or scissor

4. Start painting!

Five shades of blue paint

1. Download the 5 stencils from

2. Print the stencils out or trace them on some spare cardboard

3. Cut along the lines and remove the hatched areas using a utility blade, Xacto knife, or scissor

4. Start painting Layer 1 with your lightest blue, making your way up to Layer 5 and up to your darkest blue!

You can mix 5 shades of blue with just one jar of blue and one jar of white paint, and a brush you can scale your paintings up using a projector and a marker to trace onto some scrap cardboard, or print on a bigger paper. Shop local when possible!

Get permission from local businesses, organizations, and building owners to place a portrait on their boarded up windows. Get permission for sidewalks, walls, or other locations across your neighborhoods.

Take photos and share your results on social media. Be sure to tag it #blues4george and @seitukjones

Yours in solidarity,
