is Live!

The website for the book "Stencil Nation: Graffitit, Community, and Art" is up and online. Thanks to Antonio for all his time, skills, effort, as well as his initial offer to make this great site. It wouldn't have happened without his amazing Flash goodness. Some things can do on the new site: order an autographed copy the book (ships in June), check out page samples and photos, read news about the book, etc.

I had initially wanted to add a lot more information about the book on the site, but the effort to create the site was hard enough. If you have art in the book, want a link, then I can add that. But all photos will go here on Stencil Archive. I hope to publish all the photos that didn't make it in the book. So many! So hard to choose at times.

There's cool animation on the site, but if you can't handle the Flash, go here for a good ole' blog page of info.

You can also check out the book's MySpace page and Flickr page for extra fun too.

The book will be out in June. I'll post more news here in the coming weeks.