In the Galleries
Coming Soon: Shepard Fairey's New LA Show and Hulu Doc
After ‘Hope,’ and Lawsuit, Shepard Fairey Tries Damage Control
LOS ANGELES — By just about any measure, it’s been a long time since the street artist Shepard Fairey managed to capture the optimism of Barack Obama’s candidacy in his “Hope” poster, the stylized portrait in red, white and blue tones that easily ranks as the most famous, also ubiquitous, artwork of 2008.
Mr. Fairey’s oldest daughter, then 2 years old, is now almost a teenager. The “Hope” image became the subject of a copyright infringement lawsuit by The Associated Press that was both expensive and embarrassing for the artist. Mr. Fairey, who is 47, has since gone on to create art for activist movements like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter and the Women’s March.
And now “Damaged” — his biggest gallery show yet, with about 200 new paintings…
Read more18 Nov: In Layers - a focus on stencil art (DE)
Colab Gallery presents "IN-LAYERS, a focus on stencil art" Group Exhibition
"IN-LAYERS" is opening on Saturday,
Nov 18th at 8 pm and we are looking forward
to seeing you there!
Am 18. November öffnet Colab Gallery Ihre Türen für die Gruppenausstellung "IN-LAYERS,
Fokus auf Schablonen Kunst" und wir möchten Dich hiermit herzlich zur Vernissage ab 20:00 Uhr einladen.
Read more10 June: Prisma at Colab Gallery (DE)
Colab Gallery presents "Prisma" Group Exhibition
Icy & Sot (IR) • Jaybo Monk (F)
Die_Cast (Zoer & Velvet) (F) • Enric Sant (ES)
Pastel (ARG) • Soda (IT)
Kostas Seremetis (USA) • Most (DE) • Lugosis (IT)
"Prisma" is opening on Saturday,
June 10th at 8 pm and we are looking forward
to seeing you there!
Am 10. Juni öffnet Colab Gallery Ihre Türen für “Prisma“
und wir möchten Dich hiermit herzlich zur Vernissage ab 20:00 Uhr einladen.
Wir freuen uns Ihnen die neuesten Arbeiten von:
Icy & Sot (IR) • Jaybo Monk (F)
Die_Cast (Zoer & Velvet) (F) • Enric Sant (ES)
Pastel (ARG) • Soda (IT)
Kostas Seremetis (USA) • Most (DE) • Lugosis (IT)
26 and 28 April: Jeremy Novy Workshop and Show (Minn, MN)
JEREMY NOVY Presents: Queer Street Art, Fighting for Legitimacy
Attention MPLS art lovers! The illustrious and fabulous street artist Jeremy Novy will be gracing our fair city with his talent this month! Jeremy has spent the better part of 2 decades painting San Francisco streets, heavily involved in queer art and stenciling sidewalks and pavement with his iconic koi fish, and work boot prints that depict a kiss between two men.
This 2 night event will coincide with his stencil workshop, please contact Amalgamated for more details on doing stencils with Mr. Novy!
($60 workshop)
26 and 28 APRIL
Wednesday, April 26 at 7 PM
MPLS Make & Take Stencil Workshop with
Jeremy Novy
Friday, April 28 at 7 PM
Jeremy Novy Presents:
Queer Street Art, Fighting for Legitimacy
Amalgamated MPLS
Read more5 May: HA HA and James Wilson's Sequence (Melbourne)
Hi folks. I have an exhibition with James Wilson at Off the Kerb Gallery. These works are from our Qbank residency in March. The exhibit opens Friday, May 5th , from 6 PM onwards. Come down & enjoy lots of awesome art. - Regan
15 April: Adam Feibelman's Personal Provenance (SF, CA)
As artist Adam Feibelman found on a recent trip to walk the rugged trails traversing the border between Tucson and Nogales, the sharp divisions ingrained in national identities and our senses of place are rendered hazily ambiguous as the paths between nations wind off into the distance—no hard line in sight. In a similar sense, the work of Taravat Talepasand capitalizes on the image systems that indoctrinate Iranian identity, state power and gender, and how these notions are portrayed within and augmented through a steady stream of American popular culture. Through their respective exhibitions, Adam Feibelman’s Personal Provenance and Taravat Talepasand’s Born in Iran, Made in America, the artists explore the critical boundaries and…
3 Mar: Jef Aerosol's People and Things (FR)
« people and things » : des gens et des choses…
Jef aurait aussi bien pu appeler cette exposition « Sujets et Objets », dans tous les sens des deux vocables.
Humains ou inertes, vivants ou inanimés, ces objets/sujets se jouxtent, se complètent, dialoguent, racontent ce que nous sommes et ce qui nous constitue : rêves, peurs, espoirs, colères, larmes, sourires, souvenirs, interrogations…
Tantôt profond ou sombre, tantôt léger ou futile, à la fois possédé par ses nostalgies et remué par l’actualité, l'artiste pulvérise ses émotions à travers la dentelle de ses pochoirs. Pour cette exposition, il a privilégié le carton et le bois de récupération : supports vivants et si « riches de leur pauvreté ». Une fois de plus, Jef Aérosol affirme cet « engagement…
Read more25 Feb.: Douglas Miles at the de Young (SF)
Douglas Miles, Global Fellow and February 2017 Artist-in-Residence
Kimball Education Gallery
February 1-26, 2017
Wednesdays–Sundays, 1–5 pm
Reception: Saturday February 25, 3–5 pm
APACHELYPSE Now is a glimpse into the multi-faceted work of Douglas Miles from the San Carlos Apache Nation in Arizona. Using street art forms, he creates work that simultaneously deconstructs stereotypes and emboldens Native people in the 21st century. His renegade ethos at work creates a new iconography in art, photos, and film. The title APACHELYPSE Now is an homage to Francis Ford Coppola's Vietnam epic Apocalypse Now about a lone poet, renegade colonel, and his tribe gone rogue from the U.S.
Douglas Miles is an artist, designer, photographer, filmmaker, muralist, public speaker, and founder of…
Read moreAncient Stencils Reproduced for Cave Temples of Dunhuang Exhibit
Reproduction allows for the widespread sharing of treasures without endangering them.
July 5, 2016 5:18 p.m. ET
Los Angeles
Cave Temples of Dunhuang: Buddhist Art on China’s Silk Road
The Getty
Through Sept. 4
On a sunny afternoon, the glare in the Getty Center’s Arrival Plaza is blinding—and stepping into Cave 285 feels like teleporting to heaven. Here, in one of the main features of “Cave Temples of Dunhuang: Buddhist Art on China’s Silk Road,” winged creatures flutter on the vaulted ceiling while, on the…
Read moreThe Handcrafted Paper Stencils of a Kimono Designer Who Turned to Prints
The Handcrafted Paper Stencils of a Kimono Designer Who Turned to Prints
by Claire Voon on February 24, 2016 for Hyperallergic
For decades, the late Japanese artist Yoshitoshi Mori worked as an established kimono designer, using a stencil-based technique to dye his textiles. When he shifted his focus entirely to printmaking in 1960 after experimenting with the medium, he continued working with this layered design method. His resulting wealth of kappazuri — works produced with carefully hand-cut paper stencils — drew from the mingei folk art movement of the ’20s and ’30s that cherished handicraft. Looking further back into Japanese visual traditions…